Trail dog vs. City dog

As much as I would like to, I don’t live in a hut in the middle of the woods. That means that my pup needs to spend at least half of the time in the city.

We are training together since she was about 6 months old. First we were running shorter distances so that she could get used to the tempo, as well as the fact that she needs to watch me and stay close. I also introduced her to the harness so that she is ok with it when she needs to wear it – mostly in parks or crowded paths. I guess it’s because of the activities and because she’s basically a white wolf, she’s super sporty and energetic. Those features are perfect in the outdoors but can be a bit problematic in the city. I was very much aware of that as this is my second dog, not counting the dogs that we had when I was living with my parents. What helps is being true to yourself when it comes to your lifestyle and communicating it to your dog from the very beginning.

That being said I decided to take my dog everywhere where it’s legal and where she fits! Buses, hairdressers studio, restaurants, bars, trains… She knows it already. I knew that the earlier the better and it will pay off with a dog that is well socialized and not scared of any city sounds and situations.

The whole process is not yet finished and it’s super hard not to spoil her all the time, so here are some pics from along the way? :)