‘Tripping’ with a dog in 4 easy steps

Having a dog while being very outdoorsy seems like a perfect idea. And it is! Here are just some things you should keep in mind that I had to learn the hard way.

1. There are some places that dogs cannot visit. Some national parks or wild life sanctuaries have a strict ‘no pets’ policy. Check it before your visit.

Different countries and places have different acceptance of what ‘pets allowed’ means. Some require a leash, some require a muzzle. Respect it. I’ve been to restaurants where dogs have their own menu, or to a very elegant place where the owner prefered dogs over kids and I have to say that overall my experiences were mostly positive. Than again there are cool spots that don’t allow animal guests. Not only restaurants or bars – also check city parks or beaches too. I guess that if you already know where you are headed, whether it’s a hotel or a place to eat, it’s always better to call first and to ask about the pet policy. 

2. Chip your dog and issue a passport for your pooch. Traveling across Europe is very easy and the chances are nobody will ever ask you about your dogs documents but you want to have your paperwork straight! Or you risk losing your best friend in a puppy prison, forever!!

3. Traveling means using different means of travel;)! The best way to make this experience as pleasant as possible for you and your animal is to get you both used to getting into a bus, train, cable car or experience long car rides together from time to time. It really pays off. Even those few vomits on your favorite jeans are worth it!

4. Arrange your time in a way that your dog will not be left alone. I had my fair share of reimbursements for my puppy’s damages and I do not recommend it.

Bear in mind that your beloved fluffy member of the family won’t act differently abroad so if you stimulate it daily with lots of exercise and adventures, meeting friends and others animals, visiting places, you’ll be absolutely fine! 

And remember it is always better to have someone at your side. Even if that someone seems to hide behind your legs or just wants to eat all the squirrels in the park… You’re partners and there might be a day when that partner might save your life. Until then, let him learn from you how to make everything better by sharing it with your best friend!